We will love to hear from you... You can reach us by using the drop down and making a contact choice

Social Interaction!
Don't pass up the chance to follow us on Facebook, or X for current information on club events as well as status of our weekly rides.  These are the only places you'll receive notification of last minute changes and cancellations.


President: Dustin Palmer

Vice President: Jeff Frayser

Secretary: Sarah Panepinto

Treasurer: Christine Saville

Ride Coordinator: Tim Connor

Director Membership Services: Melinda Sampson

Director Advocacy, Community Relations & Education: <open position>

Ex-Officio member: Carroll Deighton

Contact us!

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Security Question


Other Positions

Website Coordinator, TBD
Social Communications Director, open
Newsletter Editor, Sarah Panepinto
Adopt a Street Coordinators, open

Road Repair Liaison, open



If you have a question about the committee or, better yet, want to participate, please contact the chairperson for the group you are interested in.

Sponsorship Committee Chair, open

Social Committee Chair, open

Club Clothing Coordinator, open



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